The ebook stores in the UK are having a price war. I’ve added support for WHSmith, one of the major UK book stores that’s leading the price cuts.
UK book stores now supported: Amazon Kindle UK, WHSmiths, Kobo UK, Waterstones, eBookShoppe.
Apologies if you’ve been trying to get on the site today and found it unavailable.
I’ve added an extra machine so that hopefully I can separate the website from the database server where all the heavy-lifting is done.
Which means that sometime this week, the website should start to go faster (I hope).
We’ll see…
I’ve added a new store:; a UK store that sells overseas as well.
I’ve also added geographical restriction information for Diesel and Powells.
In January, I bought an ebook from them (“Search Patterns” because I have it in mind to improve the way searching is done on this site).
And then in a fit of enthusiasm and disorganisation, I bought the same book again last month, because I’d forgotten I’d already got it :-)
One email to O’Reilly customer services later, and they immediately refunded my card.
They really do have it right when it comes to selling ebooks: no DRM, all formats available, any number of downloads, discounts of future ebook versions of physical books you’ve already got.
I’ve been unconvinced about the information that BooksOnBoard have been providing me about which territories a particular ebook can be sold to; now they’ve confirmed there’s a problem so for the moment, I’m going to remove that info from their books. Hopefully, there’ll be a fix for it soon and I can reinstate it.
Finally, John Grisham books are now available in ebook form!
Check the prices for John Grisham ebooks here.
Xconomy, a business and tech online magazine, have interviewed T.H. Peng, who is an executive vice president at Prime View International (PVI), the Taiwanese display maker that acquired E Ink last year for about $450 million.
Some interesting quotes about where they are heading with Colour E-Ink displays (late 2010/early 2011), and how they see the competition from LCD displays.
20% discount at eBooks.comin March for books in these categories:
* Health and Fitness Humor Pets Psychology and Psychiatry Science
I’ve just added the new coupon codes for February to the Deals page, including one valid today (Feb 01) only - 20% off an ebook from Kobo.
There’s also a new 15% code from CyberRead, and this month’s categories which get a 20% discount from