20% discount at eBooks.comin March for books in these categories:
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I’ve just added the new coupon codes for February to the Deals page, including one valid today (Feb 01) only - 20% off an ebook from Kobo.
There’s also a new 15% code from CyberRead, and this month’s categories which get a 20% discount from ebooks.com.
Subscribe to http://ebookprice.info/deals/rss to see the new coupon codes on offer.
Kobo has these great discounts available this month.
Get $1 off all romance titles - Discount Code: 1Love 2. Get $2 off all self-help titles - Discount Code: NewYou 3. 20% off all other eBook categories - Discount Code: Save20
These offers are valid until January 31.
Note: the coupon is valid for a single book.